*Springbrook Community Calendar*
*subject to Covidsafe regulations*
Library day at the school - pack your books in your bag!
Playgroup at Springbrook State School, 9.30am. Contact the school for more details
Mountain Yoga with Janie at the Springbrook Community Hall 6pm $20
Inna Bliss Yoga with Helen at her studio, 1947 Springbrook Road
Mens Shed open from 10 am. All men welcome
Perasai Diri Silat Indonesian Martial Art 6pm at the Hall
School Gardening project 8.30am to 9am
Banking day - don't forget to put it in your bag!
Springbrook Craft Group meets at the Hall at 10am. BYO craft. $3 for cuppa and hall hire
Springbrook Community Library open at the Hall 2.30-4.30pm
2nd Wednesday – SMCA meeting 7.15pm at the Hall
3rd Wednesday - ambulance training
School tuck shop orders into Dancing Waters cafe for Friday Lunch
Before school yoag 8.15am - 8.34am for students
Inna Bliss Yoga with Helen at her studio, 1947 Springbrook Road
Mens Shed open from 10 am. All men welcome
Perasai Diri Silat Indonesian Martial Art 6pm at the Hall
Springbrook Amblers 4pm at the Telstra Exchange on Velvet Downs Road.
Food Scrap Friday community Composting 8.30am to 9am at the school gate
War on Waste collection: bottle tops, toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes, bread bag clips. School gate 8.30am to 9am.
Informal group of Mountain Mums meet at the playground for a play and a chat after school drop off
AA meeting at the Hall 4.30pm
2nd Friday Community Cuppa 10.30am at various cafes. Check the SMCA facebook page for details
4th Friday Ladies Lunch 11.30am at various Cafes. Check the SMCA face book page for details
Mens Shed open from 10am. All men welcome
Springbrook Tennis Club meets for an informal hit at the courts behind the hall
Springbrook Wildlife Appreciation Group Wildlife talks 2pm at the Hall. Check the SWAG Facebook page for details
Spped trap Sunday - keep an eye out for the Coppers
Road side stall day - Echo Valley, the Sanctuary, Sharons Stall, Greenwood Farm, The Emporium and the two book Nooks.
Community seed bank seedlings for sale day @ Sophies stall and Sustainable fashion hut.
Like the SMCA on Facebook & follow them on Instagram
for more information on each activity and info about other events and happenings!
- June 2018
- May 2018